Friday, August 12, 2011

Finally Friday

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you think...ahhh finally Friday. I'm ready for a good weekend and then a fresh new week? It has been a week like that for me. Nothing to earth shattering happened, but nice fresh start to a week would be welcomed with open arms.  So, to commemorate the end to this lovely week lets have a good long version of....

What I Know For Sure

 This expression from Olivia melts my heart. I love it to pieces!
 4 year old boys can fit in Rubbermaid totes
 Stuffed animals really enjoy a good showing of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Just ask them, I'm sure they will tell you all about it. The dinosaur is the most chatty)
 This is how much Olivia loved the Zoo
 Q's tongue has taken on a life all its own
 Bare feet are the best!
 Water fountains to splash in are cool, even when your 9!
 Creme Brulee from Archer Farms at Target is to die for....I recommend it for all!
 It really makes my day to see my children enjoying a craft I love so much.

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