You are dong so much growing latly. More on an emotional level then physical. You still wear a size 4 or 5 and you are 6 years old. You still weigh around 32 pounds. Yet, you always want to eat? You are so stinkin' cute when it comes to the things you say.
Funny story......The other day we went to Kohls to look for some shorts for me. Some of the ones I tried on had a little ribbon as a belt. So I tied it into a bow.
You looked at me with disdain and said "Mom, don't do that."
I replied" it not cool to tie it in a bow?"
You then said"No, thats just not how I roll Mom."
I couldnt believe that my little 6 year old doesn't "Roll" that way. Where on earth did you get that?
The day after it happened I was hanging out with my little sister who just turned 21. As we proceeded to leave the house she said "Lets roll!"
A few hours later we are out and about and I overhear my sis on the phone with a friend and she says ".....yeah thats how I roll...."
Ah-ha! She gets it from my sister. Couple that with the fact that she loves her hot pink nail plish and repeatedly tells me she NEEDS a cell phone of her own. (As well as when I want to tell my hubby something and he is not available at work she hollers from the back seat of the minivan "Text him Mom.....then he can read it whenever") I believe she is 6 going on 21.
I can't text to save my takes me like 5 min to write one sentence. I thought being almost
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