Christmas Eve! Finally on the home stretch!!!!!! Today was a great day! Gracie and I made a Gingerbread house. OK, so we didn't really make the gingerbread but we sure did decorate it. It was really fun to do that with her. Q was really into trying to steal all the candies...but luckily Nana and Bapa were on Q patrol and made sure that he did not steal them and get himself sick. We always get PJs from my parents on Christmas Eve and this year my parents were able to get ones for the kids and I that matched! The kids were so excited to match Mommy and eachother. My little sisters also get PJ's of course and theirs did not match mine. LOL But of course we all get them on and take pictures. It is fun to do these things with them still. It always brings back memories of our childhood jammies on Christmas Eve. Then finally before the kids went off to bed we sprinkled out our rindeer food for all the riandeer to snack on while santa is inside getting all the presents situated. Of course there where cookies and milk for Santa. The very last thing we do before bedtime is read our new christmas story. Thsi year I got them The Little Chrstmas Tree. This was a fun tradition that I learned from the Cline family(I used to Nanny for thier kids) Every year they get a new Christmas book. Then year after year the Christmas book basket comes out and I would read those books to them at bedtime all though out the month of December. Now I have started that with my children. It is cool every year at the begining of the season to remeber the books and have an oppertunity to read them time and time again.
Thnen off to sleep.......
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