Monday, December 22, 2008
Today I had a little photo shoot with none other then myself. Ok, so I would hardly call it a photo shoot because I took all of 2 minutes to try and get a decent photo of myself to send out with my Scrapblog Christmas card. This was as good as it got....thanks to my little man and a busy day filled with trying to get my scrapblog card out to over 100 people as well as keep the house in order so that there is a nice clean house to open presents in on Christmas morning. I know I am so fun today!!!! If nothing else at least I put make-up on today. He he. :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Today Gracie was home sick again but I think tomorrow she will be able to attend school. Tonight the sweetest thing happened. As you can see from he picture above my children were all cozy with their Bapa on the rocking chair while watching a "Wheel-Wheel" show. It is a very rare occurrence that you find Q in one position for very long not to mention hat I was able to grab the camera in time to snap a photo. He actually sat there for close to 5 minutes and a few nights ago he fell asleep in this position with my Dad and Gracie. Isn't it just so sweet? It really makes me take stock of whats important in life. Often times around the holidays we can all get wrapped up in the who-ha of the holiday and forget what's really important. Sure you can wrap up a toy or a sweater but it's the things in life that you can not wrap that really mean the most. Thanks Dad for making a difference in my children's lives!
Today Gracie was sick with some sort of flu like bug! So there really is not much to report besides the fact that it is bitterly cold outside and Q keeps taking "Baby Tanta" over to the window to look at how all the "now" has melted. I feel very excited for the aproaching holiday. Gracie is making sure I am fully aware how many days until we reach Christmas. This year I am more excited then I can remember being for many ofthe past years. I just feel so blessed!
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008
December 12th Daily
Took the kids to go see the lights in the Miller Valley. It included myself, my Mom, my little sister Kayla who was so thrilled to be on my blog. So Kayla this is a shout out to you! As you can see by the chocolate on their faces that it also included a chocolate chip/m&m cookie. The lights play to music. It was a little reminder of how much I love Disney at Christmas time. They have the Osborn family spectacle of lights there that is like nothing I have ever scene before! I wish I could be there this year to see them. That's OK, it will just make it more spectacular when I see them sometime in the future! Oh and by the way those fabulous photography skills above are one of mine and one of Gracie's. We were in constant motion and my poor little camera just isn't doing well these days. I am hoping that Santa will get my letter that I sent about bringing me a new one because I have been a really good girl.
Friday, December 12, 2008
As a child one of my favorite activities around the holidays is the countdown to Christmas. We had a magnet board that you would place a new magnet every day up on the board. I remember getting so excited to do it every time it was my turn which was every three days. Leaving the other two for my little sisters to do. It is so funny to me how that little daily activity that took less then 30 seconds really stuck in my memory. I vividly remember the arguments I would get into with a 2 and a 4 year old over a silly little magnet placement. Now that I am a mother I totally get why my Mom would look at me like what is your deal you are 11, just let the little ones do it!!! I also had another one from before my little sisters were even born. I think I was around 6 when my Grandma gave me one that you would open up the little boxes everyday and another piece of the nativity scene would be in there. On the last day a little baby Jesus was in there. So once I became a mother my first instinct was to find a count down calender that we could open a new box every day. I finally found the one pictured above when Gracie was 3. It is so exciting for me as the Mom to go find little trinkets every year to fill the boxes and exciting for the kids to open them up. Last year I put littlest pet shop toys in there. This year I had to fit something for both kids in each drawer, since Q is old enough to want to participate, so it was a bit more of a challenge to fill. I found stickers, magnets, temporary tattoos and mini chocolate Santa's to fit inside. Every morning the kids are elated to see what item will be in there today. I hope that they develop as strong of a memory about the count down as I did.

Time To Catch Up Again On My December Daily (December 10th)
This picture is what I finally decided upon for Holiday cards this year. It has a simple yet funny story as to how it came about. Last night on the 9th we went to go visit Santa at our local Mall. The kids were getting dressed up anyway for thier picture with Santa so I thought well, I might as well get my Holiday sweater on so that if the oppertunity arises I can snap a picture of the 3 of us for our Christmas cards. It really never came about. Then finally when we were getting all ready to go we saton a black bench in a hallway to put on our coats and winter weather gear. I had both kids next to me and click! this is the picture we got! Then today I did a little magic in photoshop to change the colors and get ri of our red eye. Isnt that funny how you can take one picture and it wokrs??? I love it and can't wait to share it with all my firneds and family.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
This little ceramic gingerbread house could keep my kids occupied for much longer then I ever thought humanly possible. Gracie got it for Christmas form my Aunt Karen over the weekend. To the right of the door you press a little button and it plays music and lights up. Both of the kids think it is the greatest thing. Who would have ever thought that a 6 year old and a 21month old would find this so amusing. They dance around their room and Q says "(A)gain, (A)gain!!" over and over again. It sits on Gracie's dresser right next to her pink tinsel princess tree which is of course another Christmas must, right???
Sunday, December 07, 2008
While I was taking a shower the kids got out the princess tea set and decided to have a club called "High School Musical 3" Don't ask me why but that's what it's called. This is a club activity to have a Christmas Tea Party. It included Christmas shaped cookies, out of the box of course, soy milk for Q and orange juice for Gracie. Q was extremely jealous of the little tea cup that Gracie had so he attempted on several occasions to take it from her. He also was not a fan of the cookies on the plate so he proceeded to dump them off the plate and eat them straight off the table. Gracie spoke in an english accent the entire time. Now the tea party has turned into chasing each other around the house and giggling through the whole thing.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Nothing all to important today on the Christmas front. Q finally learned were the button was on the singing snowman/penguin/puppy combination. He was pretty darn proud of himself! Today Gracie went swimming with Girl Scouts at the YMCA for a try-it requirement. She was excited about the free-swim time but not the class because they made her go under water!!! God forbid she places her face in the water. What a silly girl she can be sometimes.
Gracie and I practice making Candies for my Tupperware parties. We made both peppermint bark as well as chocolate covered pretzels. It was so darn easy. Then we took groups of the Chocolate pretzels and put them into the round Tupperware containers, tied a bow around them with a snowflake ornament and we will give them out as gift to great-grandparents and aunts and uncles on Saturday for the extended family Christmas party. Gracie loves white chocolate so she really enjoyed licking up the extra chocolate on the spatula. Then when all was said and done she had a bit of a stomach ache. Poor little lady a had a bit of Chocolate over load. But do you think that stopped her form then eating a chocolate covered pretzel later in the evening. No way!!!
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